Terms & Conditions of Mail.AI - AI Email Writer

1. Introduction

This document, including all referenced materials, constitutes a binding agreement between you ("End-User") and Hong Kong Wise Vision Technology Limited ("Company," "We," "Us," or "Licensor"), outlining the terms governing your use of our website and application, "Mail.AI - AI Email Writer" ("Products").

By accessing or utilizing our Products, you acknowledge that you have reviewed, comprehended, and agreed to the terms laid out in this Agreement, which takes effect the moment you first access our Products.

It's crucial that you carefully read and understand these terms, as accessing, downloading, installing, or using the Products signifies that you have reviewed, understood, and accepted this Agreement from the first time you engage with the Products. By using them, you agree to follow the Agreement's rules.

We retain the authority to update or change this Agreement at our sole discretion, at any time and for any reason. You waive the right to receive individual notices for such changes. It is your responsibility to review this Agreement regularly to stay aware of any modifications. By continuing to use the Products after a revised version has been published, you will be considered to have accepted and agreed to the updates.

2. License

You receive a non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable license to install and use the licensed Application on any iOS mobile devices you (the End-User) own or control, following the usage rules outlined in this Section 2 and the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions. However, the Application can also be accessed by other accounts linked to you through family sharing or volume purchasing.

Our Products may be used only for your personal, non-commercial purposes. You are not permitted to reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, decompile, remove, modify, combine, adapt, or attempt to discover the source code of the Products or any of their parts (without prior written consent from the Licensor).

Except where explicitly authorized by this Agreement, you cannot copy or modify the Application or any of its components. Copies may only be made and stored on your owned or controlled devices as backups per this Agreement, the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions, and other applicable terms. Ensure no unauthorized parties access these copies and refrain from removing intellectual property notices.

All rights, titles, and interests in the Products and their content, designs, and features are the exclusive property of Sekterra GmbH, its partners, or contracted third parties, and are protected by relevant international and national laws. This license grants no ownership or rights to the Products.

Any violation or attempt to violate these obligations may result in legal action and penalties.

3. Maintenance & Support

The Licensor is entirely responsible for providing all maintenance and support services for the licensed Application. For assistance, you can contact the Licensor via email at support@hkwisevision.com.

Both the Licensor and the End-User agree that Apple bears no responsibility to provide maintenance or support services for the licensed Application.

4. Data Usage

You understand and agree that the Licensor may access and modify the content of your downloaded licensed Application and collect your personal information. The handling of such data is governed by your agreements with the Licensor and the Licensor's Privacy Policy.

5. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall we be held responsible for any type of damage, whether direct or indirect, arising from or in connection with our products. We are not liable for any special, consequential, incidental, exemplary, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profits or revenues, even if we have been explicitly warned about the possibility of such damages. Additionally, we shall not be held accountable for damages related to products, services, and/or information provided by third parties accessed via the products or otherwise. You also agree that we are not responsible for any legal actions, private or governmental, that may result from your use of the application in any jurisdiction. It is your responsibility to carefully consider any potential consequences. Some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion or limitation of damages, so these limitations may not apply to you. If we are found liable, our maximum liability to you or any third party is limited to either the actual amount we received from you or the minimum liability permitted by applicable law, whichever is greater.

6. Legal Compliance

You affirm and guarantee that you are not residing in a nation under a U.S. government embargo or designated as "terrorist-supporting" by the U.S. government. Furthermore, you confirm that you are not included on any U.S. government list of restricted or prohibited individuals.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

Third-Party Claims: The Licensor and the End-User recognize that, in the event a third-party claims that the licensed Application or the End-User's usage infringes on their intellectual property rights, the Licensor (not Apple) is solely responsible for investigating, defending, negotiating, and resolving the claim.

Ownership and Protection: All rights, titles, and interests in the Application and its contents, features, and identifiers remain the exclusive property of the Licensor, its partners, or contracted third parties. They are safeguarded by relevant national and international laws. Under no circumstances are these rights assigned to you, in whole or part, through this Agreement.

Unauthorized Usage: We will pursue legal action against any unauthorized use of our trademarks, names, or symbols to protect our rights. All rights not specifically provided here remain reserved. Other company and product names mentioned may also belong to their respective owners.

8. Miscellaneous

Severability: If any terms of this Agreement are deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will not impact the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid terms will be replaced by valid terms that best achieve the original intent.

Amendments: Any supplementary agreements, modifications, or changes are valid only if documented in writing. This requirement can itself only be waived in writing.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us: